This work in hand my friends may have When I am dead and in my grave And which wheneer you chance to see May kind remembrance picture me While on this glowing canvas stands The labour of my youthful hands

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
This work in hand my friends may have When I am dead and in my grave And which wheneer you chance to see May kind remembrance picture me While on this glowing canvas stands The labour of my youthful hands
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Hannah Breed
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Charlestown, [no colony]
Sampler Listed on Page
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Similar sentiment to ‘Jesus Permit’ verse #515. Verse also stitched by: Bethiah Ford, New Castle County DE, 1793. P33; Anne Heulings French, Gloucester County NJ 1797-1800, p 45; Anna Lynde n.p. n.d. p61; Dorothy Lynde n.p., n.d.p61 Sally Miller, Middletown CT 1783 p64; Margaret Starr, n.p. 1795, p76; Ann Tatnall, n.p. 1786, p78; Elizabeth Tatnall, Wilmington DE, 1755, p78; Sarah Leake Whitacar, Cumberland County, NJ 1791, p85; Hannah Whitney, Lunenburg, MA, 1795, p86; Eliza Wilson, Concord County Rockingham, NH, 1791,p87; Mary Zane, n.p. 1798, p89.