- Bolton & Co. Verse:
- 132
- Full Text
- This work in hand my friends may have
When I am dead and in my grave
And which wheneer you chance to see
May kind remembrance picture me
While on this glowing canvas stands
The labour of my youthful hands
- Listed on Page Number
- 272
- Sampler Worked By
- Hannah Breed
- Date of Sampler
- 1752
- Place Sampler Made
- Charlestown, [no colony]
- Sampler Listed on Page
- 33
- Author/Publication/Country/Date
- No result found.
- Notes
- Similar sentiment to ‘Jesus Permit’ verse #515.
Verse also stitched by:
Bethiah Ford, New Castle County DE, 1793. P33;
Anne Heulings French, Gloucester County NJ 1797-1800, p 45;
Anna Lynde n.p. n.d. p61;
Dorothy Lynde n.p., n.d.p61
Sally Miller, Middletown CT 1783 p64;
Margaret Starr, n.p. 1795, p76;
Ann Tatnall, n.p. 1786, p78;
Elizabeth Tatnall, Wilmington DE, 1755, p78;
Sarah Leake Whitacar, Cumberland County, NJ 1791, p85;
Hannah Whitney, Lunenburg, MA, 1795, p86;
Eliza Wilson, Concord County Rockingham, NH, 1791,p87;
Mary Zane, n.p. 1798, p89.