‘Tis education forms the tender mind Just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclin’d

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
‘Tis education forms the tender mind Just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclin’d
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Hannah Janney
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
possibly Loudon County, VA
Sampler Listed on Page
Pope, Alexander. “Moral Essays.” Epistle I, Line 149
Verse also stitched by: - Polly Warren, 1798, Northborough, MA; Peggy Bartlett, 1801, Haverhill Co. Essex, MA; Cornelia Fuller, 1809, New York City; Rachel B Gibbs, 1812; Mary M Daggett, 1813 age 8 years, Holmes Hole, MA; Persis Hutchins, 1814, Bath, NH; Mary A Randall, 1818, Smithfield; Sabra B Watson, 5-30-1821 age 10 years, Barrington, RI; Lucy E Nicholl, 1826 age 14 years, Salem, MA; Mart S. Cleveland, 1828 age 14 years, n.p.; Catherine Willsey Van Cleve Boyd, 1829, Hackensack, NJ; Eliza Reed, n.d., n.p.