When Youth’s soft season shall be o’er And scenes of Childhood charm no more My riper years with Joy shall see This proof of infant Industry. . As memory o’er this task shall wake And retrospective pleasure take How shall I wish but wish in vain To enjoy Youth’s careless hours again

Bolton & Co. Verse:
Full Text
When Youth’s soft season shall be o’er And scenes of Childhood charm no more My riper years with Joy shall see This proof of infant Industry. . As memory o’er this task shall wake And retrospective pleasure take How shall I wish but wish in vain To enjoy Youth’s careless hours again
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Mary Anne Martin
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Verona, NJ
Sampler Listed on Page
No result found.
Also worked by: Elizabeth Cooke, 1818, p142; Harriet Draper, 1829, Providence RI, p150; Marth Sanders, 1825, Central Falls, RI, p219; Susan Scrpture, n.d., n.p., p220. Verse published in a newspaper prefaced with the words “For a misses sampler” but no author given. Alexandria Daily Gazette, Commercial & Political. [volume] (Alexandria VA), October 17, 1811, Image 2 https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1756&date2=1963&proxtext=my+riper+years+with+joy&x=17&y=10&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic Also found in The Lady's miscellany, or, Weekly visitor, for the use and amusement of both sexes, v. 14-15 (1811-12)Published 1812 https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/ls?q1=%22As+memory+o%E2%80%99er+this+task+shall+wake%22+poem&field1=ocr&a=srchls&ft=ft&lmt=ft