- Bolton & Co. Verse:
- 150
- Full Text
- When Youth’s soft season shall be o’er
And scenes of Childhood charm no more
My riper years with Joy shall see
This proof of infant Industry. .
As memory o’er this task shall wake
And retrospective pleasure take
How shall I wish but wish in vain
To enjoy Youth’s careless hours again
- Listed on Page Number
- 274
- Sampler Worked By
- Mary Anne Martin
- Date of Sampler
- 1806
- Place Sampler Made
- Verona, NJ
- Sampler Listed on Page
- 193
- Author/Publication/Country/Date
- No result found.
- Notes
- Also worked by:
Elizabeth Cooke, 1818, p142;
Harriet Draper, 1829, Providence RI, p150;
Marth Sanders, 1825, Central Falls, RI, p219;
Susan Scrpture, n.d., n.p., p220.
Verse published in a newspaper prefaced with the words “For a misses sampler” but no author given.
Alexandria Daily Gazette, Commercial & Political. [volume] (Alexandria VA), October 17, 1811, Image 2
Also found in
The Lady's miscellany, or, Weekly visitor, for the use and amusement of both sexes, v. 14-15 (1811-12)Published 1812