Youth if set right at first with ease go on And each new task is with new pleasure done But if neglected till they grow in years And each fond Mother her dear children spares Errour becomes habitual and you’ll find ‘Tis then hard labour to reform the mind

Full Text
Youth if set right at first with ease go on And each new task is with new pleasure done But if neglected till they grow in years And each fond Mother her dear children spares Errour becomes habitual and you’ll find ‘Tis then hard labour to reform the mind
Listed on Page Number
Sampler Worked By
Anna Jaques
Date of Sampler
Place Sampler Made
Newbury, MA
Sampler Listed on Page
Henry Boad, The English Spelling-Book and Expositor: Being A New Method of Teaching Children and Adult Persons to Read, Write, and Understand the English Tongue in less Time, and with much greater Ease than has hitherto been taught, second edition (London: Daniel Midwinter, 1734), title page. ECCO.
Notes see p 45.